March Madness Survey
I am visiting SSRF because I am a...
In a typical week, which days do you read with your child?
What prevents you from daily family reading?
How can we help you overcome these barriers?
What is your favorite part of reading as a family?
How long is your usual reading session?
SSRF recommends reading ___ min per day...
How can we better bring the joy and promise of books and reading to ALL South Sound Children
How long has your organization partnered with SSRF?
What do you see as the trajectory of our partnership?
How did you first learn about SSRF
What outcomes have we accomplished together?
How familiar are you with our mission and programming?
(1-5 Scale)
How can we better bring the joy and promise of books and reading to ALL South Sound Children
Which grade do you teach?
Do you feel valued and supported by SSRF?
(1-5 Scale)
How often did we meet your needs and expectations?
(0-100 Sliding Scale)
Have you heard our slogan, "Read 20 Minutes a Day" and do you know where it comes from?
Do you notice increased literacy engagement after SSRF programs?
(1-5 Scale)
Which of our services do you find most effective?
How can we better bring the joy and promise of books and reading to ALL South Sound Children
Thank you for volunteering!
How did you first hear about volunteer opportunities at SSRF?
How do you volunteer with us?
What is your favorite part of community service with SSRF?
How familiar are you with our mission and programming?
(1-5 Scale)
Which program do you like to tell people about?
What are your suggestions for better bringing the joy and promise of books and reading to children?