Literacy Heroes - Legacy Society
South Sound Reading Foundation is a proud member of Leave 10 South Sound, a movement to educate, encourage and inspire people to leave at least 10% of their estate to non-profit organizations.
Our Literacy Heroes Legacy Society – a circle of friends that have made an enduring gift to the South Sound Reading Foundation through a bequest or trust – helps us plan for a stronger future and celebrates donors who extend their community impact beyond their lifetimes.
If everyone in the South Sound left 10%, area non-profits would receive billions of dollars across the next ten years alone. Imagine all the good work we could do!
As you reflect on the legacy you will leave behind, consider the many ways you can preserve your estate for your family and continue to make a difference in the lives of South Sound children for decades to come.
If you have already made arrangements for a planned gift, please let us know by completing this form and we will welcome you in to the Legacy Society.
We celebrate the generosity of Legacy Society members with the following:
- Recognition on our website and other publications (members can always opt to be anonymous)
- Invitation to exclusive events
- Literacy Heroes Legacy Society pin given only to those supporters who have remembered the South Sound Reading Foundation in their will or estate plan
Questions about getting started? Drop us a line to find out more!
Effervescere quicquam tepescunt tegi agitabilis mentes mutatas.